UK touroperator FAM trip in Latvia, 10.-13.06.2024.

The Baltic Nature Tourism organized familiarization FAM trip took place from June 10th to 13th. The aim of the journey was to showcase the natural beauty and cultural richness of Latvia’s western region. The program included several memorable activities and destinations.

On the first day, seven tour operators from the United Kingdom arrived in Riga to explore Latvia’s nature tourism. In the evening, there was a canoe trip to explore Riga from the water.

This canoe trip through the city offers a unique and enjoyable way to see Riga from the water. During the trip, you can see UNESCO-listed Riga Old Town, Riga canal, and the Daugava river. With careful observation, you can also catch sight of Latvia’s National Library, the 368-meter-high Riga TV Tower, and other popular spots.

Participants describe the activity: “Enjoyable, relaxing activity. Nice way to explore the city.”

The second day began with a departure to Ķemeri National Park. Here, the group embarked on a bog hiking tour led by experienced guides from “Purvu bridēji”. The day continued with another hike along the Forest Trail, offering views of Venta Rapid and the town of Kuldīga. The day concluded with a visit to an ostrich and goat farm “Nornieki”.

Participants describe the activity: “It was fantastic. An excellent guide who explained things well and took great care of his guests. He made sure we were all well-equipped and even double-checked that our swamp boots were securely fastened, explaining everything thoroughly. I will happily recommend this tour.”

“Strauss un Kaza” is a place where visitors can safely interact with animals. It has emerged from traditions of ostrich and Boer goat breeding. Guests were invited to meet these fascinating animals and learn their stories.

On the third day, participants engaged in bird watching at Cape Kolka in Slītere National Park and visited the new campsite “Ūši”. Afterwards, everyone took a walk along the seaside and ended the day enjoying smoked fish in Lapmežciems.

Cape Kolka is one of the best bird watching spots in Europe. A 370 km bird watching route along the picturesque Baltic Sea coast allowed observation of various bird species.

Participants describe the activity: “Skadiņi in Ragaciems – another fantastic experience with a wonderful host. The lunch and environment were wonderful. The host’s English was excellent; she provided so much information and was clearly very proud of her business and the local community. I found it very engaging and a highlight of the trip, which I would gladly endorse.”

Participants describe the activity: “We had an ideal day for bird watching and simply walking around the area. The weather was great, and it’s clear that this is a wonderful spot for bird watching. The guide was also extremely knowledgeable.”

“Ūši” is a modern holiday house located amidst coastal pine trees, offering splendid views of the sea and forest. It is well-equipped with facilities for drying hiking and tourist equipment, sauna, and a shared kitchen-dining area.

In Lampaži, there is an old fisherman’s farm “Skadiņi”, whose name has been mentioned since the 1826 population census documents. Currently, this ancient fisherman’s farm welcomes guests for accommodation or local fish tasting.

The last day began with breakfast at the hotel, followed by free time in Jūrmala before returning to London.

Participants describe the activity: “This was my first experience traveling to Latvia, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and the opportunity to learn so much about this country. I eagerly look forward to collaborating with you and creating exciting adventure itineraries.”

“It was a great introduction to a country I knew little about. It was fantastic to discover how many tourism opportunities there are outside of Riga, which is mainly known to the British audience. The most valuable aspect is what I have learned and can share with the travel agencies I work with.”

The event is part of the campaign for the promotion of Baltic nature tourism in the project “Baltic Nature Tourism – Exporting Baltic Nature Tourism to UK (CB0100030)”, which is implemented with the support of the Central Baltic Program of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund. #balticnaturetourism

LNTA Nature Tourism Photography Masterclass 10.06.2024.

On June 10th, the Latvian Nature Tourism Association organized a master class dedicated to the development of tourism products and photography. The master class was led by Andra Marta Babre, the LDTA project manager and a photographer with 10 years of experience. You can view Andra’s photo galleries here –

In the photo master class, we were joined by LDTA members, participants of the Baltic Nature Tourism project, and other interested individuals. The event began with a brief introduction on the importance of photography in the tourism industry, emphasizing the significance of high-quality visual materials in promoting tourism services and destinations.

This was followed by a section on photography basics and tips, where participants learned about composition, lighting, and other essential aspects of photography. After the presentation, participants took part in a practical photography workshop, where they could apply their newly acquired knowledge by photographing each other indoors or outdoors.

After the active workshop, participants had the opportunity to network and get to know each other’s services. The master class concluded with an overview of the Nature Tourism Association, its current projects, and future activities. This was a great opportunity to gain new knowledge and skills that help promote the development and competitiveness of tourism products.

You can watch the recording of the master class below:

The event is part of the campaign for the promotion of Baltic nature tourism in the project “Baltic Nature Tourism – Exporting Baltic Nature Tourism to UK (CB0100030)”, which is implemented with the support of the Central Baltic Program of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund. #balticnaturetourism

Estonian-Latvian study trip to Finland Nature and active tourism April, 25.-28. 2024

From April 25 to 28, SMEs and project partners went on a study trip to Finland to gain broader insights into Finnish nature tourism and the range of services available.

On the first day, 5 Estonian SMEs and 9 Latvian SMEs, along with project partners, arrived in Finland and proceeded to their first guided tour at the Finnish Hunting Museum in Riihimäki. This was followed by a tour in Tampere, where participants explored how to present the city’s nature. The day concluded with arrival at the accommodations in Haverin Holiday Village Cottages.

The Finnish Hunting Museum offers travelers a fascinating insight into the history of hunting in Finland. The museum in Riihimäki displays historical artifacts, dog collections, and interactive exhibits on hunting traditions and nature conservation. Knowledgeable guides provide detailed commentary on Finland’s connection with nature and its cultural significance.

The nature tour in Tampere allows visitors to discover the natural beauty of the city. Travelers can visit parks, gardens, and nature reserves, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of nature. Guides provide information about the local flora and fauna and about nature conservation in Finland.

Accommodation at Haverin Holiday Village Cottages offers comfort and relaxation in nature. The village has five cottages, each accommodating up to six people. Each cottage also has its own sauna, providing a relaxing retreat after an active day.

On the second day, the group visited the Haveri gold mines. Following this, they went to the Ylöjärvi Municipality house, where a presentation was given about the local municipality’s support for tourism and nature services. In the afternoon, two environmental art sites, Tree Mountain and Up and Under, were visited. The day ended with a unique sea swim activity known as “floating.”

The Haveri gold mine area is an interesting historical site set in a beautiful natural environment. Visitors can explore the remnants of the historic gold mine and learn about the lives and work of past gold seekers.

The Ylöjärvi Municipality house is a place where the support for tourism and nature services is presented. Here, one can obtain information about initiatives promoting tourism development and the natural adventures and activities offered. It is a crucial resource for understanding Ylöjärvi as a tourist destination and learning about the services and support provided by the local municipality.

Up and Under is a landscape art object that offers a unique experience in nature. This artwork combines natural elements with art, creating a harmonious unity with the surrounding landscape. Visitors are offered the chance to admire the artwork and enjoy time in nature, including a short picnic by the campfire.

The Tree Mountain tour offers an opportunity to explore an environmental art object in Ylöjärvi. It is a unique blend of nature and art, where one can enjoy the landscapes and gain a deeper understanding of human interaction with nature. Tree Mountain is a popular destination for both locals and visitors interested in art and natural beauty.

A floating suit, which floats on the sea surface, is an essential element ensuring human safety in the water. Eumer offers various safety solutions and technologies to guarantee that the suit stays afloat even in emergency situations in water.

The third day featured the Merikarvia River Day 2024 with Eumer fishing company. This was followed by a visit to Koivuniemenherran farm, and the evening was spent canoeing with Purolomat Ltd.

Merikarvia River Day 2024 with Eumer fishing is an event dedicated to recognizing and appreciating the river and its surroundings. It is a great opportunity to participate in various activities related to the river, as well as to learn about local nature and environmental protection issues.

The Koivuniemenherran farm tour provides insight into the daily duties of farmers. Visitors can familiarize themselves with the farm’s operations, including animal care and fieldwork, by participating in real agricultural processes. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about and understand rural life and traditional farming activities.

Purolomat Ltd offers various canoe trips in Finland, allowing participants to enjoy and experience the beauty of nature from the perspective of a river or lake. The trips are suitable for both experienced and novice canoeists, offering a chance to enjoy the tranquility and peace of the natural environment. The developed routes allow for the discovery of the region’s unique flora and fauna, providing unforgettable adventure opportunities for all nature enthusiasts.

The final day was spent on the Huittinen forest trails, with a leisurely hike and picnic.

Huittinen forest trails are a popular nature travel destination located in the town of Huittinen, Finland. These trails offer the opportunity to enjoy forests and fresh air, providing various routes for both walking and running.

The event is part of the campaign for the promotion of Baltic nature tourism in the project “Baltic Nature Tourism – Exporting Baltic Nature Tourism to UK (CB0100030)”, which is implemented with the support of the Central Baltic Program of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund. #balticnaturetourism

NAT-TOUR-EXPO Project Partner meeting in Riga, Latvia, 5th of October, 2023

In October 5th we had our 3rd Project partner meeting to share the progress on the joint Latvian-Estonian nature tourism product –

Thank you all the partners for the work and effort put in: Lauku Ceļotājs – Baltic Country Holidays, MTÜ Eesti Maaturismi liikmed – Estonian Rural Tourism, Eesti Loodusturismi Ühing – Estonian Nature Tourism Association, Latvijas Dabas Tūrisma Asociācija – Latvian Nature Tourism Association.

So far we have gathered almost 100 nature tourism products from 27 SMEs from Estonia and 61 SMEs from Latvia

Stay tuned for further updates from the NAT-TOUR-EXPO project. We are dedicated to sharing our achievements as we continue this journey. Follow us on Facebook for more updates and insights into Baltic Nature Tourism.

Photos: Andra Marta Babre

LNTA joins BK Kolka ← Dubulti [136km 55h] 2023 hike

Matijs Babris, LNTA chairman

BK Kolka ← Dubulti [136km 55h] 2023 hike has revived in a new format and the Latvian Nature Tourism Association was also pleased to participate in it this year. 🚶

The hike took place on September 8-10th and 511 participants joined, of which a record high number – 364 or 71% of those who started – reached the finish line. Not far from the Roja camp, we managed to meet a famous unicyclist – Sylvain Oulala, who is cycling 3000+ km across Europe from France to Estonia, covering part of the Baltic Coastal Hiking Route and Forest Trail.

Matijs Babris, Sylvain Oulala, Andra Marta Babre

The long distance from Dubulti to Kolka was quite challenging and tiring, but the mix of sea and forest makes it unrepeatably beautiful! As the organizers of the hike “Baltais Kalns” say – Ir jāiet (You have to go)!

Mārtiņš Zvīdriņš, Matijs Babris, Andra Marta Babre
© Latvijas Dabas tūrisma asociācija 2024 Nature tourism Pieslēgties