Nature and Active Tourism Cooperation Network

Project implementation period: from July 17, 2024, to December 31, 2029.

The association “Latvian Nature Tourism Association” is carrying out a project to establish and implement a network of cooperation among businesses called “Nature and Active Tourism Cooperation Network” (Project No. within the framework of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy Program for 2021–2027, under Priority 1.2 “Support for Entrepreneurship” and Specific Objective 1.2.3 “Promoting Sustainable Growth, Competitiveness, and Job Creation in SMEs, including through Productive Investments,” specifically Measure “Tourism Product Development Program.”

The project’s goal is to provide support to Latvian micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises to develop new tourism products or services with higher added value, thus promoting the growth of export capacity in the tourism sector and enhancing its competitiveness on an international scale.

The planned solutions to achieve this goal include providing support to members of the cooperation network to foster their economic growth through the implementation of activities outlined in the network’s strategy and action plans, as well as ensuring appropriate management of the network.

The project outcome will be activities and indicators implemented within the scope of the supported actions necessary to achieve the project’s goal.

The project plans to involve more than 25 businesses and at least one research and knowledge dissemination organization.

Total eligible costs: EUR 615,660.00, including EUR 523,311.00 from the European Regional Development Fund and EUR 61,566.00 from the State budget.

Type of cooperation network: thematic – in the field of nature tourism.

The project aims to increase the export capacity of Latvia’s tourism sector by promoting the development and marketing of innovative, personalized tourism products and high-value-added products, following the principles of sustainable development as defined in Latvia’s Tourism and Event Industry Promotion Strategy for 2023–2027.

In the context of cooperation, particular emphasis is placed on the creation of thematic routes (especially in connection with international routes), as well as the maintenance and improvement of existing routes. The development of competitive, comprehensive, and innovative tourism products is possible through collaboration between various tourism and related sector participants. This approach ensures not only a wide range of services but also a coordinated and diverse experience, including cultural, educational, entertainment, nature, and adventure aspects. Therefore, this cooperation not only creates innovative tourism products but also fosters local economic development and sustainable tourism flows.

Publication date: 17.07.2024.

Contact information:

Kristaps Ceplis

Project coordinator 

T. +371 25908122