Baltic Nature Tourism

Exporting Baltic Nature Tourism to UK (CB0100030)

Project goals

The objectives of the project are to develop a joint Latvian-Estonian nature tourism product tailored for the UK market, to launch it through a dedicated marketing campaign, and to achieve sales. The nature tourism product will be based on individual SME nature tourism products, professionally packaged and accessible from an innovative specialized nature tourism web platform linking directly product providers with the market – free independent travellers, specialized interest groups, and tour operator companies specialized in Baltic countries. The nature tourism product will include wildlife and birding holidays, nature photography, soft adventure: hiking, walking, cycling, boating, and also touring programs to include elements and values of nature, e.g., botanical, wildlife spotting, wellness/Spa, food and foraging. This concept meets the current demand in the UK market where nature tourism, escape to nature, rural holidays, outdoors wildlife are on-trend words.

Project results

Main results:

  • SMEs supported with training and market knowledge to develop nature tourism products and services tailored for the UK market, and to be presented on the specialised nature tourism web platform;
  • Marketing innovation and achievement of sales by SMEs.

The project result is a new joint Estonian-Latvian nature tourism product entered the UK market. The new product will consist of a number of different packages based on nature values and will involve ca 25 SMEs in Latvia and ca 25 in Estonia. It is expected that 50 companies will have achieved sales during the project implementation.
Sales will continue to grow after the project as the the web platform with reservation – communication system connecting service providers and clients will serve as a permanent channel for the product.

Project budget information: The total budget of the Project is 1 112 592,03 EUR, of which the ERDF Interreg Central Baltic Programme contribution is 890 073,62 EUR.